Workplace Wellness & Burnout

Live Training

Next workshop Tuesday, April5 2022
5:00 pm MT| 7:00 pm ET

This live group workshop (Wellness Shots Lite) addresses that burnout can occur at work, school or personal life and recovery can take weeks, months or even years. Learn evidence-based strategies on how to rebuild your life after burnout so you can continue to work, live and move forward. Whether you are a lifelong overachiever, an employee who feels undervalued, a boss who is hard-pressed, the all-or-nothing person or the self-proclaimed king or queen of burnout – this workshop will help you understand how or what got you to a burnout in the first place and how to master your new and improved wellness with flexibility and tenacity. You may have experienced a burnout or are dangerously close to one, either way this workshop is designed to help you understand that burnout causes a risk to your overall wellness and impacts your quality of life.


Don’t like group? Connect with me on Instagram to learn more about bespoke 1:1 services.

The Next Workshop Starts in...

The Pandemic No One Is Talking About

There’s a pandemic among us. The World Health Organization is calling it “the health epidemic of the 21st century” affecting 70% of people at some point in their lives. But you won’t find this pandemic being talked about on the news. In fact, you may even be “infected” right now and not know. Drained energy, lack of motivation, and emotionally fatigued. Sound familiar? Let me explain.

People have been locked up inside, their workloads increased, and the lines between the office and home have been blurred. People are more stressed than ever. This has led to the birth of a silent crisis: burnout. A state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

Burnout is hard to understand. The symptoms aren’t always easy to spot and can be dismissed as something else. It affects people in different ways, poses no warning signs, comes out of nowhere, and can be deadly. And the worst part? At its peak, you will feel like you hit a brick wall. Stressors come in every shape and size: employment, home life, relationships with partners and children, money issues and health.

Imagine Your Life With...

More Energy

You’ll learn how to eliminate thoughts and activities that drain your energy.

Less Stress

You’ll learn proven strategies to use when signs of burnout start showing up.

More Purpose

You’ll learn what your wellness priorities are and how to pursue a life that’s meaningful for you.

This Workshop Will Help You...

  • Understand the effect of the burnout on your quality of life using evidence-based strategies.

  • Get out of the crash and burnout cycle by reassessing your new wellness priorities to avoid relapse

  • Identify with your values and talents so you can find meaning and satisfaction since burnout so you can exponentially improve your life 

  • Accept/Befriend your burnout and learn new rules so you can make intentional and bold choices to shift your perspective and attitudes towards work life and playtime

  • Redesign connection, strengthen your sense of belonging and contribution to work so you just don’t feel your best but also perform your best

Who Is This Workshop For?

Workaholics and Perfectionists

Millennials and Gen Z

High performers

People Pleasers

Customer Services Reps


Who is this workshop not for?

People that are stress free

People that don’t want to be more efficient

People that don’t run a business or manage a team

People that aren’t willing to implement new strategies

You'll Be in Good Company

As a leader, I always felt like I had to be the first one in and the last to leave every day. I would feel guilty if I took a day off. What used to be something I loved so much became something I dreaded going to every day. Sumana helped me realize that I was experiencing a massive burnout and provided me with the solutions and tools I needed to recover. With Sumana's help, I now understand the importance of taking care of myself, my teams and our overall wellness. I almost lost the business that I put everything I had into, trying to do everything alone. Now I look forward to going to work, taking vacations, and trusting my teams to support me the same way I support them.
R. Goldman
Hospitality Consultant and Business Coach, Arizona
Sumana is skilled at conveying technical information in an easy-to-assimilate way, and in structuring workshops where she shares a lot of information but also makes space for group and individualized discussion. I highly recommend her and her content for everyone experiencing all stages of burnout!
Amelia N, USA
Non profit

About The Facilitator

This workshop will be facilitated by Sumana Jeddy, Canada’s leading science-based consultant specializing in burnout, workplace wellness and work life balance. Sumana will give you proven research-backed strategies to rebuild your life to navigate your life after burnout. She has spent 10 years in healthcare and holds a Master's degree in Public Health from the University of British Columbia, Canada and has helped many individuals overcome the stigma that surrounds burnout. In the post pandemic world, human struggles and experiences are getting increased visibility and the future of wellness in the workplace has an expanded definition that involves physical, emotional, financial, social, career, community, and purpose. Whether it has taken you a few months, many years or you are still recovering from burnout, after taking this workshop you will feel empowered to take control over your life and your decisions. You will learn to pursue your own restorative opportunities and lead with self compassion so you don’t deplete your resources.


Thank you for 5k. ☺️I’ll be sharing research on the “why”. Stay tuned. Do you think a weekend off will cure your burn out? ##burnoutprevention

♬ original sound - abigailrgraves

The vacation is only providing a temporary sense of relief. 🩹❤️‍🩹🤕 It’s NOT a cure. If you are truly burned out by your job, you need to identify root causes, what energizes you and what is it about the job that used you love. No, you don’t have to quit your job to recover fully, though it may be an option to explore. ##burnoutprevention ##wellnesshub ##mondaybluesbelike ##backagain

♬ original sound - Chris O

Before You Go

• This class will be hosted on Zoom and your individual link will be emailed to you after you register

• You will also receive an unedited recording of the class made available for 48 hours so you can rewatch in your own time

• Due to limited seating in each class, all ticket purchases are final

• If you don't like group, leave me your email and let's do 1:1

The Next Workshop Starts in...

Is there more?

Yes! Want to do this workshop but you can’t make the group time or prefer 1:1? Let’s do that! Leave me your email, or DM me on Instagram or Linkedin.